At a meeting last evening, Trenton R-9 Board of Education Goals were re-adopted.
- Develop and enhance quality programs to improve performance and enable students to meet their personal, academic, and career goals.
- Recruit, attract, develop, and retain highly qualified staff.
- Provide and maintain appropriate instructional resources, support services, and function & safe facilities.
- Promote, facilitate, and enhance parent, student, and community involvement.
- Govern LEA (Local Education Agency) in an efficient and effective manner.
The Trenton R-IX CSIP Plan will be revised during the 2016-2017 school year. If approved, these goals will be the template for this new CSIP Plan.
The board selected Citizens Bank and Trust to continue as the depository of district funds. Dan Wiebers, Superintendent, shared a summary of Bank Depository Bids. Two banks submitted bids for depository services. Citizens Bank & Trust and U.S. Bank. This bid can be extended through the 2020-2021 school year.
The board approval bus routes for the current school year. It also renewed the “Full Maintenance” service agreement with MSBA. This membership will grant the Trenton R-9 District the services of MSBA, including policy updates from September 1, 2016, through August 31, 2017, at a cost of $3,393.00.
Dan Wiebers, Superintendent, will inform the Board of Education of needed budget amendments for the 2016-2017 budget. Approval will be needed for these changes to the budget.
Amendments to the current budget were approved adding nearly 83 thousand dollars to the expenses. The largest budget amendment comes from 17 certified staff who have moved over on the salary schedule due to additional graduate hours completed this summer. The additional salary amounts to about 33 thousand dollars.
An early graduation request from Zach Maberry was approved.
The board reviewed the professional development program evaluation as well as the criteria for the Superintendents’ job performance. A Building Use Form has been created to better manage third-parties who use school facilities.
Dan Wiebers, Superintendent, and the board of education expressed thanks to the Trenton High School Foundation Trust for its donation of $2,500 to the Trenton R-IX District. These funds will be used to create a storage room on the balcony of the THS gym and purchase a media table and chair that will be used during events in the THS gym.
Following an executive session for personnel, Valerie Kitchen was hired as a high school paraprofessional. Substitutes were approved for teachers, paras, nurses, cooks, and custodians.