The Chillicothe City Council will hold a workshop and a meeting at the Chillicothe City Hall Monday evening. The workshop to discuss city finances, the airport sewer project, and bowling alley and golf course financial reports will start at 5:30 with the regular council meeting to begin at 6:30. The agenda includes the introduction of […]
Tag: ordinances
Gallatin Board of Aldermen accept two ordinances
The Gallatin Board of Aldermen accepted two ordinances at its meeting Tuesday evening. One ordinance authorized the Mayor to sign and execute the solid waste contract with Rapid Removal. The contract will be in place for three years and the monthly fee to the customer will be $13.12 per month. The second ordinance authorized the […]
Trenton City Council approves demolition of properties
Three ordinances were approved and housing demolition bids were accepted among the actions taken during last nights’ Trenton City Council meeting. One ordinance grants a conditional use permit to Robert Burkeybile, doing business as 9th Street Auto Sales, to allow for storage only on vehicles and vehicle parts inside a structure at 1005 West Crowder Road. Another ordinance […]
Trenton City Council adopts budgets for city and TMU
On votes of seven in favor and one opposed, the Trenton City Council last night approved ordinances adopting budgets for the city and municipal utilities effective with the fiscal year that begins May 1st. Councilman Brad Chumbley cast the only nay vote when the council members were polled individually. The two budgets do not include […]
Audio: Budget presentation to include hikes in water and electric rates at city council meeting
Budgets, presented in the form of ordinances, are to be presented tonight at a public meeting of the Trenton City Council at a 7 o’clock meeting at the Trenton City Hall. The TMU budget includes anticipated revenues with the recently-approved increases in water and electric rates at Trenton. Utilities Director Ron Urton Junior puts the compares […]
Trenton City Council adopts 4 ordinances
The Trenton City Council last night adopted four ordinances – three of which deal with changes to municipal court. Trenton street department will be asphalting some streets for Lawson this summer with Lawson paying Trenton, just over $105,000. Street Supervisor Martin Schieb reported this is similar to the arrangement of two years ago – only about […]
Laredo Board of Aldermen meet, pass ordinances
The Laredo Board of Aldermen passed ordinances for the 2017 budget, revising salary for the city clerk, revising of the customer water rate, and revising the customer sewer rate at its month meeting Monday evening. The budget combines general, sewer, water, street, and trash. The projected net income is about $374 for the year. Laredo […]