The Princeton, Pleasant View R-6, and Laredo School Districts all began classes this (Wednesday) morning, with more students than their first day enrollments one year ago.
The Princeton School District opened the 2016-2017 school year with 399 students. That is an increase of 15 from the 2015 total. Princeton’s largest class consists of 43 eighth graders. The smallest is a first grade group with just 19 pupils.
The Pleasant View R-6 School District reports 80 students, up nine from one year ago. The largest class at Pleasant view is the first grade with 15 students. The smallest is eighth grade with five.
The Laredo District has 48 students, up just one compared to the start of the 2015-2016 academic year. Laredo’s largest class consists of eight in the 5th grade. The smallest is third grade, with just two students.