Laredo Board of Education approves salary increases

Laredo R-7 School
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The Laredo R-7 Board of Education voted to increase the certified base salary and increase pay for several other positions at a meeting Monday evening.

The certified base salary was increased by $500 to $28,900. The office aid and part-time custodian position were increased to $8.60 per hour. The bookkeeper, head cook, head custodian, and administer positions received a two and a half percent raise. The special education aide’s pay was raised to $10 per hour.

A contract was accepted from Alicia Rojas as a speech therapist for the next school year who will be paid $56.50 per hour. Another contract was accepted from Asten Carmen for the occupational therapist assistant position for next school year who will be paid $38 per hour plus 37 cents per mile. The board also accepted a contract from Amy Montgomery for the position of Licensed Professional Counselor for the next school year. She will be paid $38.95 per hour for about eight hours per week.

The board voted to continue to pay 40% of the career ladder for the next school year. The state paid 60% in the 2009-2020 school year, but it not being state-funded at all now.

Paying 2019-2020 Missouri School Boards Association membership dues was approved at a cost of $1,351. The board accepted a five-year renewal for Morenet and the bus bid from Central States Bus Sales, Incorporated for the bus grant and voted to purchase Big Ideas Math as the math curriculum for grade six.

April 22nd was accepted as a makeup day for Laredo and May 17th as the last day of school.  School will be dismissed May 16th and 17th at 1 o’clock.

The board offered extra duty contracts for next school year. They included Michelle Lynch as fifth and sixth as well as seventh and eighth-grade basketball coach, Tammy Meeker as an eighth-grade class sponsor and seventh and eighth-grade track coach, Shelly Burress as the I-Ready sponsor, and Micah Burkeybile as fifth and sixth as well as seventh and eighth-grade cheerleading sponsor.

A special meeting for the Laredo R-7 Board of Education will be held the evening of April 15th at 6 o’clock.

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