Judge Krohn receives prestigious President’s Award at MAPACJC vent

Judge Krohn Receives President award
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Judge Krohn is pictured with Judge Jim Beck, President of MAPACJC final
Judge Krohn is pictured with Judge Jim Beck, President of MAPACJC.

At the 109th Annual Meeting and Conference of the Missouri Association of Probate, Associate Circuit Judges, and Commissioners in Branson

President Jim Beck presented the President’s Award to Judge Matt Krohn during a joint dinner of judges and clerks at the 109th Annual Missouri Association of Probate, Associate Circuit Judges, and Commissioners (MAPACJC) Meeting and Conference held April 3-5 in Branson. The award was presented to Krohn “in appreciation of his dedication to the administration of justice and his working relationships with the trial judges of this state.” Judge Beck served as the President of MAPACJC for the 2023-24 year. He is a Circuit Judge and the Presiding Judge for the 45th Circuit, which comprises Lincoln and Pike Counties.

Judge Krohn served as Secretary of the Board of Directors for the MAPACJC Association this past year and helped organize the meeting and training conference for fellow judges, where they received required Continuing Legal Education (CLE). Judges are required to receive at least 15 hours of CLE and ethics training each year. Krohn also served as one of the presenters and trainers for the conference. Matt Krohn has served as an Associate Circuit Judge in the 3rd Judicial Circuit since January 1, 2015.

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