Special House committee counsel accepts unintended offer from Greitens adviser, will subpoena campaign staff

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The special House committee investigating Governor Eric Greitens will seek to get testimony from members of his campaign.



After Greitens’ legal counsel Catherine Hanaway complained that the committee hadn’t allowed the campaign to be heard, the counsel to the committee last night said they would be asked to testify. In a statement, Edward “Chip” Robertson Jr. said, “the House will accept Ms. Hanaway’s offer and will issue subpoenas to the appropriate persons within the campaign.” Hanaway issued a statement Wednesday responding to the House committee’s latest report that indicates Greitens broke campaign finance laws and was dishonest with the state Ethics Commission over a donor list.

Hanaway criticized the committee’s chairman, Republican Representative Jay Barnes of Jefferson City, for failing to seek testimony or documents from the campaign. She said, “He ought to ask the campaign for its version of events before acting as judge and jury in a matter that was settled long ago. Responding to Hanaway’s statement, Robinson concluded that the committee’s report had the desired effect in causing people associated with the Greitens team to offer information after they’d previously refused to do so.

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