Audio: Missouri ACLU says it will see Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft in court over abortion petition decision

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The Missouri American Civil Liberties Union says it will see Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft in court. Ashcroft has denied two referendum petitions opposing new abortion regulations because he says the part of the bill has already become law – making the petitions unconstitutional.



As soon as the governor signed the bill, the portion that immediately became law requires both parents to be notified when a minor wants an abortion. The ACLU calls Ashcroft’s move predictable and it is assembling a lawsuit.

Ashcroft says it’s too late to overturn the legislation through a referendum process because part of it has already become law.



One of the petitions was led by Republican megadonor David Humphreys, who told the Kansas City Star he’s opposed to abortion, but he supports a woman’s right to choose, particularly in rape or incest cases. A third referendum petition is under review by Ashcroft’s office for about the next week or so.

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