Audio: Corps of Engineers braces for Mississippi flooding over next few days State News May 3, 2019 KTTN NewsShare To Your Social Network The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is activating what it calls its flood fight teams for the Mississippi River in the Southeast area of Missouri. Post Views: 1Share this:TweetWhatsAppEmailPrintMoreShare on TumblrRedditPocketTelegramRelatedShare To Your Social Network Sharing Email this article Print this articleTags 2019, AC, ACE, ACT, ad, ads, AL, AP, Area, arm, audio, auto, bra, content, corp, days, draft, engine, engineer, few, fight, Fl, flood, flooding, IS, IT, KTTN, Miss, Missour, Missouri, Mo, MS, OU, PI, race, river, south, tea, team, teams, TN, U.S., UT, VA, vat