Work planned on bridge at Chillicothe’s Simpson Park, starting Monday

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City of Chillicothe Street Department will be replacing the floor of the bridge inside Simpson Park – beginning on Monday April 11th if the weather conditions allow.

Street Superintendent at Chillicothe, Barry Arthur, says the bridge appears to be good from the outside, but it is deteriorating on the side under the pavement, not as visible to the public. This bridge was built and dedicated in the 1960’s.

According to Arthur, this work could possibly take up to three weeks to complete. If weather is good, he noted the project should be done in less time.  Plans call for Chillicothe Street employees to remove the old concrete floor, haul off all material, then replace the floor with new concrete. Once the concrete is poured, it will take seven days to cure before traffic can resume.

This will impact the traveling public that uses the Simpson Park road.  A different route will have to be used during the bridge construction. Simpson Park will remain open but access to the west end of the park will be closed from U-S 65. Instead, the west end can be accessed from either Walnut Street or Country Club Drive.  Signs will be posted at each entrance of Simpson Park and there will be closure barricades at the bridge. Chillicothe officials ask the public be careful around this site once work begins next week.

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