Weather summary for November 2019 show temps and precipitation below normal

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The November weather summary in Trenton shows temperatures and precipitation both were below normal. It’s the second straight month in which temperatures and precipitation have been below average in Trenton.

November temperatures were below normal by 3.4 degrees on highs and 3.9 degrees on lows. Highs in November averaged 48 degrees while lows averaged nearly 30 degrees. The warmest temperatures were 64 degrees on November 9th and 20th. The coldest was a record-setting six degrees on November 12th.

Rain and melted precipitation in Trenton during November totaled 1.19 inches which is 1.08 inches below average for the month. The moisture included an inch of snow. Although there have been several years in which there was little or no snow in November, the one inch this year is right at average for November since 1970.

This November was the second month in a row in which precipitation was below average in Trenton, however, the 53.81inches for the year is the fifth most yearly precipitation in Trenton since 1970. The yearly moisture was 16.61inches above average through the end of November.

Although it was cooler than average last month in Trenton, it was not nearly as cold as November of 2018 when highs were 9.5 degrees below normal, and lows were 6.3 degrees below average. There also were six and one-quarter inches of snow in November of 2018 in Trenton.

The National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center, entering November, said below-average temperatures and below-normal precipitation were slightly favored for our area which turned out to be accurate.

The outlook for December 2019, shows above-average temperatures and precipitation are favored.

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