Weather in October includes above normal precipitation and snow

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The October weather summary in Trenton includes much above normal precipitation, cooler than average highs, and near normal lows.

Trenton had the third most precipitation for October in a century of weather records. The moisture totaled 8.24 inches which trailed only the 9.91inches in October of 1941 and the 8.37 inches in 1967. We have monthly precipitation records dating back to 1918.

Of the 8.24 inches, this October, 8.18inches of that came in the first 15 days of the month with just six-hundredths measured in the second half of October. A precipitation record of 3.57 inches was established for October 8th. The 8.24 inches this October was 5.09 inches above average. Since 1970, moisture in Trenton had averaged 3.15 inches.

In addition to the rain, a small amount of the moisture this October came from one-quarter inch of snow in the 24-hour period ending at 7 o’clock on the morning of October 15th.

The 8.24 inches of precipitation in October was the most moisture in Trenton since August of 2016 when 10.02 inches was measured, however, Trenton ended October with a yearly moisture deficit of 9.67 inches.

High temperatures in October in Trenton averaged 63.7 degrees which is two-and-one-half degrees below average. Lows averaged nearly 46 degrees, about one-half degree above average. Highs and lows were within ten degrees of the daily averages on 23 of the 31 dates. The other eight dates were more than ten degrees above or below average. Highs were within five degrees of the daily averages on 14 dates.

Lows were within five degrees of the daily averages on 15 of the dates with the warmest temperature last month hitting 92 degrees on October 3rd. That was recorded at the fire station at 17th and Harris where measurements are taken for the National Weather Service. It was two degrees cooler here at the KTTN studios in downtown Trenton where we recorded 90 degrees. The 92 degrees was 20 degrees above average for October 3rd in Trenton.

The coolest temperature last month in Trenton was 27 degrees on October 21st which was 16 degrees colder than average for that date.

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