Veterans Service Officer will be available Friday at the VFW Hall and next Monday at Hy-Vee, both in Trenton, to assist veterans with their claims and / or answer questions.
Those planning to meet with Wayne Kleinschmidt are asked to take all VA paperwork and military separation papers. He will be available at both locations from 9 o’clock until 1 o’clock. A Vet Center counselor from Kansas City will be only at the VFW Hall this Friday about 10:15 until all persons are seen.
Kleinschmidt said the Vet Center is looking for someone with psychiatric training regarding military issues to work for the Columbia and Kansas City locations. Those interested may contact Kleinschmidt at his office phone number 359-2078.
Kleinschmidt had a couple other announcements. The VA shuttle that leaves Trenton as needed to take veterans to out of town medical appointments will be parked– hopefully just temporary–after this Thursday due to the lack of a driver. Kleinschmidt publicly thanked Dottie Reim for all of her driving veterans to their appointments. Persons interested in being a driver of the V-A shuttle are to contact Kleinschmidt at 359 2078. Drivers will need to pass a physical and a background check.
Kleinschmidt will be taking a vacation and out of the area July 30th through the middle of August. Veterans who need assistance regarding claims and / or have questions during that time as asked to call the VFW headquarters in St. Louis. The phone number is 314-552-9886. He said the best time to call is mornings 7:30 to 12.