United Methodist Church of Chillicothe to host fundraiser for Community Resource Center

Church with Steeple
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Volunteers from the United Methodist Church of Chillicothe have brought dinner to the Community Resource Center each Wednesday night for several years.  In the month of May, the church will host a meal at the church to benefit the Resource Center. Pork loin, green beans, cheesy potato casserole, green salad, cake, and drinks will be served the evening of May 15th from 5 to 6 o’clock. Free will donations will be accepted at the door of the United Methodist Church of Chillicothe.

The funds raised will go towards purchasing OATS bus passes for Community Resource Center clients to get to places of employment, job interviews, and medical appointments. They will also go towards cleaning and office supplies for the shelter.

Community Resource Center Board President Todd Rodenberg says the center helps clients in many ways, but one of the more important ways is by providing a place for them to stay while they look for employment. Adult clients are expected to find jobs within 30 days the emergency shelter allows and be working toward finding housing.

Community Resource Center Executive Director Sherrie Wohlgemuth adds that the shelter is always in need of basic supplies, including paper towels, toilet paper, copier paper, socks, disposable razors, shaving cream, underwear, AA batteries, feminine hygiene products, and diapers, as the center’s grant does not allow money to be used for the items. The shelter depends on donations to meet the needs of clients and shelter operations.

Call the Community Resource Center for more information at 660-646-1667.

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