Trenton receives above average precipitation for the first time since October 2017

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The August weather summary for Trenton shows above average monthly precipitation for the first time since October 2017 with above average temperatures.

Rainfall in Trenton for the month of August totaled 6.94 inches which is 2.41 inches above average for the month. There was measurable rainfall on ten dates in August, with five of those dates having more than one-half inch. There was 1.95 inches on August 29th, 1.90 inches on the 15th, 87 hundredths on the 31st, 81 hundredths on the 20th, and 55 hundredths on August 7th. The 1.90 inches of rain set a record for August 15th.

The first two weeks in August continued the year-long trend of below average precipitation with just 55 hundredths measured for the month through August 14th. That left Trenton with just 9.63 inches of rain and melted precipitation for the year which was 15.44 inches below normal for the year. However, there was measurable rain on nine of the final 17 days of the month to reduce the yearly moisture deficit to 11.55 inches by the end of August.

High temperatures in Trenton last month averaged 89.1 degrees at the fire station at 17th and Harris where the official readings are taken for the National Weather Service. High temperatures at the KTTN studios in downtown Trenton averaged 87.5 degrees. Those figures were about two degrees above normal at the fire station and about one-half degree above average at the KTTN studios.

Lows at the fire station averaged 66.8 degrees which is two degrees above what August lows have averaged in Trenton since 1980. Highs at the fire station reached 100 degrees on August 5th and 6th with a reading of 97 and 96 degrees on those two days at the KTTN studios.

The coolest temperature last month at the fire station was 57 degrees on August 23rd.

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