Trenton R-9 Board of Education addresses salary schedules

Trenton R-9 School District
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The 2019-20 salary schedule was adopted during a meeting last night of the Trenton R-9 Board of Education. The schedule follows the requests submitted last month by the salary and welfare committee; and endorsed by the superintendent.

Superintendent Dan Wiebers reported the increases noted for the salary schedule will cost more than $177,000 which is under his goal of $180,000. This includes adding $600 to the base salary for teachers, movement on the salary schedule for another year of experience, adding $50 to each column beginning at master’s degree and adding 30 cents per hour to the non-certified salary schedule.

Adding money to the base will make it $32,300 for a beginning teacher at Trenton next year. Still to be determined is employee health insurance for the next year. Currently, the R-9 district pays $572 per month per each full-time employee. Wiebers anticipates the next quote coming this spring will not have a large increase in the premium.

With Trenton missing school March 8th for the girls state basketball tournament, a makeup needed to be scheduled. The board voted six to one to accept Wiebers recommendation to have school April 19th which is Good Friday. Opposed was Marcie Cutsinger. The day will have an early dismissal. Other options which Wiebers could have done was to attend school on a Saturday or use the Tuesday after Memorial Day. Trenton R-9 has reached the state limit of missed days due to inclement weather.

In other action, the board approved the tuition rate at $6,308, the request for proposals for auditing services, the extension of the contract with Quality Network Solutions and the board agreed to submit two requests for grants.  The QNS contract covers technology support for a three year period concluding in the 2021-22 school years at a cost of $58,750 per year.

Brandon Boswell seeks a $600 grant to make a weight room purchase of an item that tracks various measurements of a barbell. Suzi Beck will apply for a $999 grant to buy two sewing machines for the middle school FACS classroom. Both requests are to be submitted to the GEC community foundation with no match.

There was a discussion but no action taken last evening regarding a first-year policy that states students must achieve 90 percent attendance to be allowed to go to school-sponsored dances such as prom. High school principal Ron Franklin reported 38 students currently do not have 90% attendance. Assistant Principal Kasey Bailey says 28 of them are between 86 and 90 percent on attendance. To be in compliance with A-plus guidelines, attendance has to be 95 percent. Bailey said he’ll be visiting with students regarding their status.

The Missouri School Boards Association spring meeting is April 25th in Brookfield. One of the presenters will be Rissler School Counselor Terri Critten discussing with board members and officials from many schools, the Bright Futures Trenton program.

Superintendent Dan Wiebers last evening gave the board a presentation on the April 2nd ballot issue which proposes several projects estimated to cost $6,800,000. The issue, which requires a four-sevenths majority, is asking voters to extend the current 90-cent debt levy by an additional 20-years. It would be done without increasing property taxes. The most expensive project is the 10,000square foot, 500-plus seating, performing arts center. Other elements include improvements at Trenton high school, middle school library media center, corridors, courtyard, Rissler Elementary School office; increased safety matters; plus a new concession stand and restrooms at CF Russell Stadium.

Wiebers will be a guest on KTTN’s Open Line Monday morning to provide more information. He also has presentations scheduled that include the Rotary Club March 21st, Trenton Chamber of Commerce March 27th and a community forum in the high school commons March 28th. Other groups at Trenton that wish to have Wiebers as a speaker should contact the R-9 district office. The theme of the campaign is “Supporting the Arts is a Safe Choice.”

In a closed session of the Trenton R-9 Board of Education, several decisions regarding personnel were made.

Sheridan Mounce was approved to substitute.

All probationary teachers were offered a contract for 2019-2020.

The following were moved from probationary teachers to tenure teachers:

Jennifer Belvel, Joel Hultman, and Tyler Busick

Marcie Stegman was employed as an elementary teacher for the 2019-2020 school year.

Michael Witten was approved for assistant track coach for this school year.

MS Sponsors: Jenny Otto – Student Council, FCCLA – Suzi Beck, Penny Roberts – Yearbook, Mary Woodson and E’Lisha Gass – Builders Club, Darcie Taylor – Science Club, and Julia Keuler – Scholar Bowl

HS Sponsors: Amos Dickson – Fr. Class, Lori Duff – Prom, Brenda Thorne – Student Council, Brook Kreatz and Kabel Oak – FFA , Amy Franklin – FBLA, Margaret Mollenhour – FCCLA, Jennifer Dickson – FTA, Ethan Stewart – Instrumental Music, Tyler Busick – Vocal Music, Kelli Griffith – Colorguard, Greg Dalrymple – Yearbook, Mike Tipton – Academic Team, E’Lisha Gass – Key Club, and Amy Currie – Spanish Club

Following Coaches/Sponsors were employed:


Girls Golf – Travis Mullenix

Girls Softball – John Cowling (hd) and Kameron Cool (assist.)

Girls Tennis – Tammy Ockenfels

Girls Volleyball – Rebekah Wiggins (assist.)


Boys Basketball – Jeremy Austin (hd) and Kameron Cool (assist.)

Girls Basketball – Brian Upton (hd)

Wrestling – Charlie Bacon

CPR/First Aid – Chris Parks


Softball – Joel Hultman (hd) and Jennifer Dickson (assist.)

Volleyball – Amanda King (hd) and Julia Kueler (assist.)

Boys Basketball – Travis Mullenix (hd) and Ched Hurley (assist)

Cheerleader Sponsor – Rebecca Burr

Resignation: The board accepted the resignation from Carrie Crouse.


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