Trenton Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Adjustments approve requests

Planning and zoning
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The Trenton Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Adjustments approved requests Monday night.

Trenton Deputy City Clerk Tracy Maberry reports the Planning and Zoning Commission approved to go on to the city council a conditional use permit to allow for the purchase of property, use as a primary residence, and operation of an Airbnb at 2105 Brookside Drive.

The vote was six to zero, as board member Roger Hawkins was absent. The conditional use permit request was from Steven Merrin in care of John Hudson.

The Board of Adjustments approved Scott and Mackenzie Weldon’s request of a 60 square-foot variance on the maximum requirement of 12 square feet for a Type 2 off-premise sign to allow for the installation of a 72 square-foot electronic advertising sign at 1212 East Ninth Street at Trenton Magic Wash.

The vote was four to zero, with Roger Hawkins being absent. No further action is needed on the variance request.

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