Trenton Park Board to submit Recreational Trail Program application

Moberly Park Trenton Missouri
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The Trenton Park Board February 2nd voted to move forward with and submit a Recreational Trail Program grant application. Twenty-six thousand dollars will be allocated for the matching portion. The Missouri State Parks grant would be used to repair and replace part of Trenton’s walking trail and requires a 20% match.

Park Superintendent David Shockley reported grant money could be used to mill down the trail two inches and put a two-inch overlay on it. The top-end for the whole project was estimated to cost about $80,000. Twenty percent would be $16,000. Shockley commented it would look good if Trenton allocated more money toward the grant.

Park Board President Curtis Crawford reported there was $10,000 allocated in the current budget for sealer on the trail, and $6,000 was allocated toward asphalt replacement at Burleigh Grimes. That meant there was already $16,000 that could be used for the matching portion of the grant.

Crawford stated that $10,000 would probably be allocated in the next budget for the walking trail. With the $16,000 already available, and the $10,000 allocation in next year’s budget, $26,000 could be used for the matching portion of the grant.

Crawford said if the Park Department received the grant, it would be a “huge benefit.” He explained patching and other work have been done in about the last five years toward the trail’s upkeep. There would be no need to seal the trail if the grant was awarded, and it would save money.

Crawford commented if the Park Department did not receive the grant, it could do what was originally planned with the walking trail.

The grant is due February 16th.

Board Member John Hamilton reported he, Shockley, and Assistant Park Superintendent Hunter Trask had discussed long-range plans regarding facilities.

Hamilton said parking spots on the west side of the bathhouse at the Trenton Family Aquatic Center need to be painted. A handicapped area also needs to be designated.

Hamilton reported the Rock Barn sign had been blown down. A decision will have to be made as to what to do if the sign is replaced and what a new one would look like.

He said the sign at Van Meter Park is a chunk of concrete, and he did not think that was indicative of what Ray Van Meter meant to the community. The Park Board might want to consider a different option for that sign.

Hamilton commented Shockley could figure out how much those things might cost and look at including them in the budget.

Park Board Member Gary Schuett reported the new sign at Eastside Park looked good. He plans to add grasses around the sign to enhance how nice it looks.

Vice President Andy Cox reported no one had yet applied for the pool manager and assistant pool manager positions for the Trenton Family Aquatic Center. Applications are available at the Trenton City Hall.

Shockley reported the Park Department had finished maintenance on equipment in preparation for spring. Work was also done on snowplows to get them ready for winter weather. The Park Department has removed snow at the safety complex, airport, walking trail, Eastside and Moberly parking lots, and Rock Barn area.

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