Trenton High School seniors to graduate on May 12, 2019

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Several activities are planned for Trenton High School seniors leading up to their graduation May 12th with seniors will taking finals May 6th and 7th with grades finalized May 8th.

Franklin invites parents and the community to the Senior Awards Night in the high school gym on the evening of May 8th at 6 o’clock. The ceremony will recognize THS graduates and include the awarding of scholarships. A Baccalaureate Service will be at the First Baptist Church following the awards night ceremony.

Franklin notes the last official day seniors will be in attendance is May 9th. Graduating seniors will wear their caps and gowns that day and visit Trenton Middle School and Rissler Elementary School to take “a stroll down memory lane” before returning to the high school for pictures. Graduation practice will follow in the gym.

Parents, friends, relatives, and the public are all welcome to attend the THS graduation ceremony in the Ketcham Community Center on the afternoon of May 12th at 2 o’clock.

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