The Trenton High School Vocal Music Department had five entries earning a top rating of “1” during Saturday’s district evaluations for solo’s and small ensemble. Soloists earning a “1” were Salem Croy, Jesse Farmer, and Kail McCarter.
A double quartet comprised of Sarah Dryer, Emma Gilham, Emily Bonta, McKenzey Willey, Landon Ellis, Jesse Farmer, Kail McCarter, and Dakota Cutsinger earned a “1”, as did a trio of Emma Gilham, Shelby Laird, and Karissa Brock.
Those receiving “1” ratings advance to state evaluations on Friday, April 29th in Columbia.
Thirteen vocal soloists and six vocal ensembles from Trenton received ratings of “2” (considered ‘outstanding’).
Trenton’s “Gold Rush” group and concert choir will perform this Saturday (April 9th) in Maryville, where state level ratings will be given.