Trenton FFA sending four teams to Missouri FFA Convention; Other area schools also qualify

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The Trenton FFA Chapter will be represented by four contest teams at the Missouri FFA Convention in Columbia April 25th through 27th. The teams qualified for state due to their high rankings this week during the Northwest Missouri district competitions.

In review, Trenton FFA had a team win first place in judging of meats and in\agriculture sales. Another team placed fourth in dairy cattle judging. And there was a team that took sixth place in ag mechanics. The three-member food science team is listed as an alternate to state.

Other teams representing the Trenton FFA chapter during the career development events on the district level were in forestry, soils, poultry, and floriculture.

Several other schools from the area have qualified teams for state competition including Grundy R5 FFA who will be represented by its first place farm management team and its seventh-place team in judging dairy cattle.

Princeton has three district champion teams among six that qualified for state. Taking top honors on the district level was Princeton in dairy cattle, horses, and livestock. Other teams headed to state are those in meats and soils with the poultry team as an alternate.

Gilman City qualified three teams for state. The school had teams win first place in ag mechanics and in agronomy. The soils team also advances to state.

Gallatin FFA will advance six teams to state: ag mechanics, ag sales, entomology, floriculture, poultry, and soils.

The Hamilton FFA will be represented at state by six teams. Two of them won first place at districts: forestry and nursery-landscape. Other teams advance in the areas of agronomy, entomology, poultry, and soils. Alternates from Hamilton are in ag sales and livestock.

Five FFA teams from Chillicothe compete at state: ag mechanics, ag sales, farm management, livestock, and poultry.

North Harrison at Eagleville has the most FFA teams from this area qualify for state with a total of seven. Those are in agronomy, dairy cattle, forestry, horses, livestock, meats, and poultry.

North Mercer FFA also qualified a team to compete in agronomy.

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