Trenton currently experiencing it’s four-lowest August precipitation since 1970

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Although rain is possible before the end of this month, Trenton is currently experiencing its fourth-lowest amount of August precipitation since 1970. Just eight-tenths of an inch has been measured thus far in August at the water plant at the western edge of Trenton, where precipitation and temperature readings are taken for the National Weather Service.

Lower amounts of august rainfall in Trenton since 1970 are four hundredths in 2013, five hundredths in 1984, and 61 hundredths of an inch in 1999. This year has the fourth least amount of August rainfall in Trenton since 1970, with eight-tenths of an inch.

The fifth least amount of August precipitation in Trenton is one inch 23 hundredths (1.23) in 2010. Normal precipitation in Trenton for the entire month of August is four inches 58 hundredths.

With above-normal rainfall in Trenton in June and July, Trenton entered August with a yearly moisture surplus at slightly over four inches. Unfortunately, that yearly surplus has fallen to 54-hundredths today (Sunday, August 29, 2021).

High temperatures this month in Trenton have averaged one degree cooler than normal; however, low temperatures have averaged three degrees above normal. Highs have averaged 86 degrees. Lows have averaged 68 degrees.

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