The Trenton City Council is to hold a special meeting Thursday morning to consider an ordinance to change when fireworks may be discharged in the city.
Currently, fireworks only can be discharged in Trenton on July 4th between 8 in the morning and midnight.
The ordinance to be considered Thursday morning by the city council would allow fireworks to be discharged in Trenton on July 2nd and 3rd between 8 in the morning and 10 o’clock at night, and on July 4th between 8 in the morning and midnight each year.
Fireworks vendor Rocky Dunkin attended last night’s meeting and requested additional days in which fireworks can be discharged in Trenton. Dunkin suggested specified hours July 1st through 3rd, in addition to July 4th. He said there are increased sales in area communities which allow fireworks to be discharged on more than just July 4th.
All seven city council members in attendance agreed to have an ordinance prepared to allow fireworks to be discharged in Trenton during specified hours July 2nd through 4th.
The Trenton city council meeting is Thursday morning, June 30 at 7:30 at Trenton city hall.