The Trenton City Council Monday night approved the only bid received to repair and seal the runway, apron, taxiway, and turnaround areas at the airport which was nearly $400,000 but was $73,000 less than an engineers estimate.
The vote was six in favor, Brad Chumbley opposed, and Scott Blair absent. Most of the costs are expected to be federally funded.
By that same vote margin, the council approved a supplemental aviation project agreement with Olsson Associates for consulting services at a cost of more than $47,000. The vote was six in favor and councilman Chumbley opposed with Mayor McHargue calling the fees ridiculous.
The other council votes were unanimous among the seven members attending, which included amendments to city code to reflect changes in state law regarding nuisances, minor traffic violations, and municipal ordinance violations.
The council passed an ordinance authorizing a quit claim deed from the city to Larry and Mary Ingraham for a lot at 1716 Carnes. The council last month approved the Ingraham’s bid to purchase the lot for $25.00 which was the only one received.
The council approved re-appointments to various boards and commissions for the building and nuisance, adjustments, tree, and airport advisory boards, the planning and zoning and tax increment financing commissions, and the historic preservation committee.
Mayor McHargue is awaiting suggestions regarding the park board before recommending appointments to that board. Three terms on the park board have expired.
The council approved Trenton Municipal Utilities Comptroller Rosetta Marsh as a delegate to the Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission.
In other news from the council meeting, City Clerk and interim City Administrator Cindy Simpson indicated Trenton did not receive a federal grant requested for the 17th Street bridge replacement project. The city has not heard a decision on a different grant request for the bridge replacement.
Two applications have been received thus far for the combined Trenton City Administrator-TMU director position which has been advertised that way since September 1st with the Missouri Municipal League. One of the applicants previously applied when the job was advertised as a city administrator position.
Eleven applications were considered for two full-time openings on the Trenton Fire Department with successful applicants expected to be announced soon.
Meanwhile, the Trenton Police Department continues to be one officer short. The job opening continues to be advertised.
Trenton Police Chief Tommy Wright reported that slightly over $1500was raised in connection with softball action Saturday night at Trenton. The money goes to a kids Christmas shopping program called “Shop with a Cop, and police hosting a dinner for foster children. The softball involved developmentally disabled citizens taking on members of the community.
Mayor McHargue and councilman Mark Moore both praised chip and seal street work. It’s hoped the chip and seal projects can be completed next week.
Asphalt sales by the Trenton Street Department have had a profit of nearly $118,000 since early April.
Trenton city department heads will be required to attend Trenton City Council meetings with the policy re-emphasized at last night’s meeting.
The Mayor is asking for the community to be cleaned up in preparation for the Missouri Day Festival next month, noting the Missouri Day Band Festival draws people from several communities.
The council held a closed session for legal matters prior to the open portion of the council meeting, with a closed session regarding personnel matters following the open meeting. There was no announcement after the closed meeting, and, no announcement concerning the second closed meeting.