Trenton City Council hears updates on asphalt plant, sewer plant, and street overlay projects

Trenton, Missouri sign at entrance to city
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City Administrator Ron Urton told the city council Monday night that Trenton’s new asphalt plant could start operating this week. The followed Monday’s installation of the gas pressure regulator. The city of Trenton provides its own asphalt for street projects but also sells asphalt to customers in other locations.

At the sewer plant, Urton reported the chemical building is being erected and the yard piping is being installed. It’s part of the effluent disinfection project that the city is required to do. He reported the Normal Street sewer improvement project begins after school is out May 24th at Trenton.

Information provided to the city council shows three proposed street overlay projects: Normal between 9th Street and 13th Court; Kumler between East 8th and 9th; as well as a road in, and out of, the asphalt plant. The overlay program includes rental of a milling machine from Kansas City. Portions of 15 streets are designated for chip and seal process – collectively amounting to 40 thousand square yards of work to be done.

In a preliminary review for the fiscal year that ended April 30th, Administrator Ron Urton reported expenses of the city were $58,000 less than the figure budgeted for the year. And he reported revenues during the one year period were $515,000 more than what the city had projected in the budget.

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