With the requested $300,000 in asphalt sales added to budgeted revenues, the Trenton City Council Monday night approved the amended city budget for the fiscal year beginning May 1.
The additional sales of asphalt raise the expected total sales to $1,300,000. Sales from Trenton’s new asphalt plant last year generated nearly $1,800,000 with expectations for that number to perhaps exceed a year ago. Thanks to the planned adjustment, total revenues for the city during the upcoming one-year period will top $3,574,000.
Projected expenditures, which include wage increases for employees, are still listed at $4,113,000. With the routine transfer of road use funds, the budget shows a deficit of $303,400. While budgets are managed during the year, if the deficit remains, the balance of city funds as of April 30, 2022 drops to $1,916,000. The budget was approved on a vote of eight to nothing.
Several other ordinances received city council approval including one that involves JD Bishop Construction of Chillicothe to replace the front steps at the water treatment plant at a cost of $15,145. Another allows the Challenger Fence Company of Basehor, Kansas to do the fencing project at the north sub-station of TMU at a cost of $47,260.
Noting the 17th Street Bridge project is six months behind schedule, the council approved an agreement with Olsson Associates for additional construction supervision duties. The additional services are not to exceed $82,359. The contractor is described by the city as making reasonable progress during the past month with a completion date of June 11th. Olsson Associates has been providing additional inspection and engineering services to document site conditions, respond to requests for information, as well as change orders and dispute resolution between the city and contractor.
Previous oversight utilized the majority of the administrative budget approved by the council in February 2014. Now with the additional funds, the total amount paid to Olsson Associates is not to exceed $793,764 dollars. Olsson noted a portion of its inspection work will be sub-contracted to Priority Engineers of Garden City, Mo.
Councilman Danny Brewer cast the only no vote on additional compensation. He had questioned why the city should pay for it. Administrator Ron Urton responded by saying the final negotiations will have the city seeking reimbursement. Urton stated the contractor tentatively anticipates pouring the bridge deck on April 20th.
The council approved a reimbursable agreement with the Missouri Department of Transportation regarding the Federal Aviation Administrations’ inspection of runway lights. Previous lights were knocked out by the flood of 2019. Trenton is to pay $19,456 dollars but 75-percent of the cost is to be reimbursed to the city by FEMA. Work is to include testing and certification that the new runway lights are calibrated.
Pending repair of what the city calls imperfections with resurfacing last year, the council accepted a right of way assignment from the Missouri Department of Transportation regarding selected locations along 9th Street and a short distance north of Oklahoma Avenue per a July 2019 agreement. Urton said MoDOT agreed to pay for repairs.
Approval was given to abolish and vacate a 400-foot long alley in the railroad addition with property reverting to the property owner, NCMC of Trenton. Councilman Marvin Humphreys was the only one to vote no, asking instead to table the request until such time as a college-owned old house near there, is torn down.
Results were accepted by ordinance on last weeks’ election which included the selection of four councilmen and passage of the local use tax. Mayor Linda Crooks and several remaining council members thanked outgoing members Glen Briggs and Cathie Smith for their service. Mrs. Smith was recognized by Marvin Humphreys for leading the successful campaign to pass the local use tax. Briggs extended a thank you to the council and city staff, calling his four years on the council “a learning experience.” He urged the new council to keep Trenton moving forward.
The oath of office was given to elected Councilmen Lance Otto, Danny Brewer, Robert Romesburg, and John Dolan. Selected as councilman pro-tem was Dave Mlika. Mayor Crooks appointed four councilmen each to the administrative, finance, and economic development committees as well as liaison members to ten city bodies.
Five bids were submitted for mowing seven city-owned lots and the city cemetery. The council accepted the lowest bid from Dustin Wilson of Trenton which collectively amounts to $130 for seven locations and $100 every three times to mow the cemetery.
Red Rock of Kidder was selected as the asbestos removal contractor on four houses designated for demolition. The property owners pay for asbestos abatement. Those locations are 114 West 5th; 911 Kumler, 2110 Mable, and 1701 Chestnut. Building Inspector Wes Barone noted a fifth location, at 213 West 6th, had asbestos removed by the owner.
The council accepted the $24,000 dollar proposed advertising budget for the Trenton Convention and Visitors Bureau. Revenue will come from the five percent fee applied to lodging within Trenton. The amount was based on collections during a three-month period, then extended to cover one year.
To be covered by the initial budget will be digital advertising and brand building, website design and hosting, development of a logo, social media integration, as well as traditional forms of advertising including print media, radio, and billboards.