Trenton City Administrator Ron Urton reports damage assessments will be made to city-owned properties once flood water recedes.
An engineer from Olsson Associates, Incorporated will evaluate the damage to the airport. An insurance adjuster was scheduled to arrive Wednesday to inspect damage from Sunday and Monday, but that has been postponed.
Urton reports water is over the road up to Second Street at the sewer plant, but pumps and clarifiers are still operating. The south lagoons are filling up, and as soon as the water recedes, someone will go to the plant to check them. The north lagoon on Pauper Grade Road was “inundated” with floodwater from the river and is full to the top. Urton notes the city will contact the Department of Natural Resources to let them know.
Three lift stations at the sewer plant are shut off due to high water and crews have sealed the door into the river pump station, and the power has been shut off to the building to protect the pumps and controls. Some water has been reported in walk-in basements at Lake Trenton.
The spillway on Upper Lake Trenton is clear and flowing and the lower lake spillway is reportedly clear and flowing, but the Muddy Creek water level may be affecting the flow.