Trenton Board of Education announces personnel actions from special meeting

Trenton R-9 School District
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Personnel actions have been announced from a special meeting Monday morning of the Trenton R-9 Board of Education.  Board action included the hiring of four instructors and extra duty coaching assignments as well as accepting four resignations accepted.

Resignations came from Special Education teachers Leslie Austin and Ched Hurley, Counselor DeeAnn Clark and Science Teacher Mike Tipton.

Among instructors hired are Tashyana Dowell for freshman American History, Corbin Coe for high school physical education, Kaycie Terhune for high school business including sponsor of FBLA and the sophomore class, Rachel Harvey for special education. Substitutes approved for Trenton schools were Emily Lasley, Leeta Fordyce, Megan Peterson, and Ally Ockenfels.

Extra duty hires include:

High school football assistant coaches – Chris Parks, David Sager, and Greg Dalyrmple

High school head softball coach – Joel Hultman

High school head boys basketball coach – Corbin Coe

Middle school head football coach – Jon Guthrie

Middle school assistant football coach – Brandon Boswell

Middle school head girls basketball coach – Greg Dalrymple

Middle school assistant girls basketball coach – Amanda King

Bulldog mascot sponsor – David Burkeybile

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