Trenton Board of Education accepts resignations and hires new employees

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Following an executive session, last night for personnel, the Trenton R-9 School District made announcements on resignations accepted and hirings approved.

According to the school district office, resignations have been made by Margaret Mollenhour as family and consumer science teacher at the high school, Lauren Boswell as math teacher at the middle school, Brandon Boswell as weight room teacher for the high school, Jennifer Dickson as physical education and health teacher at the high school, and Kayli Burrell as assistant principal at Rissler school.

The school district announced six new employees. Hired were Angela Wagner as an elementary grade teacher; Trey Shields for high school English; and Lanie Beetsma as a middle and high school counselor. Paraprofessionals employed were Katheryn Witten, Kim Hendricks, and Megan Lynch.

Five additional summer school teachers were hired. They are Vanessa Pauley, Shelby Bagley, Taylor McCartney, Joel Hultman, and Alicia Kieffer.

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