Top academic students announced at Trenton High School

Trenton High School
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The Valedictorian this year at Trenton High School is Werthen Gass and the Salutatorian is Emma Gilham.

The rest of the top ten academic students in this year’s graduating class are Ainsley Tolson, Taylor Richman, Saedee Jackson, Latorrie Johnson, Karissa Brock, Sidney Lynch, Melea Farmer, and Dylan Harris.

Other Trenton High School graduates recognized for having a grade point average of at least three point five, An ACT composite score of at least 22, successfully completing at least two-and-one-half units of weighted credit, and attendance of at least 95 percent were Arianna Overton, Nicholas Shields, Matthew Sibbit, and Jadan Whitney.

Valedictorian Werthen Gass, in an address to students, encouraged the graduates to face their fears, take a risk, and find success. Ms. Gass cited examples of accomplishments by several Trenton students who took risks and tried and expressed appreciation to those who’ve pushed her and encouraged the graduates to do the same.

Salutatorian Emma Gilham thanked those who’ve helped the students and also looked to the future.

The Trenton senior class recognized high school custodian Graham McVay and high school science teacher Charlie Bacon who were selected to greet graduates after they received their diplomas.

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