Members of the THS Key Club and the TMS Builders Club will be Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF on Wednesday, October 26th between the hours of 5:30 and 7:00 pm.
They will be going door-to-door collecting spare change to support The Eliminate Project. The Eliminate Project is an international endeavor of the Kiwanis family and UNICEF working to eliminate maternal/neonatal tetanus from the world. A series of three tetanus vaccines, costing only $1.80, can prevent the contraction and ultimately death from tetanus.
Those interested in more information about MNT and The Eliminate Project can go Key and Builders Club members will be identifiable by a name tag and the traditional orange UNICEF collection box. The Key Club and Builders Club is sponsored locally by THS, TMS, and the Trenton Kiwanis Club
The Key Club and Builders Club is sponsored locally by THS, TMS, and the Trenton Kiwanis Club