Temperatures in September averaging above normal, rainfall well below normal

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Temperatures thus far in September 2021 in Trenton are averaging two degrees (2.1) above normal on highs and four (4.3) degrees above normal on lows.

Official highs this month have averaged 83 degrees with temperatures reaching the upper 80s on eight dates. Lows have averaged nearly 63 degrees.

Rainfall this month in Trenton totals sixty-two (.62) hundredths of an inch which is 2.19 inches below normal for this point in the month. Trenton, in August, was below normal on rainfall by slightly over two inches. (2.06) Since August 1, Trenton is 4.25 inches below normal on rainfall.

Trenton, entering August, had a yearly moisture surplus of slightly over four inches. Now there’s a yearly moisture deficit of .23 hundredths of an inch.

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