Temperatures and precipitation both above average during March of 2021

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The weather summary for March in Trenton includes temperatures and precipitation both being above average.

Highs were above normal by 5.2 degrees and lows were above average by 6.6 degrees. Highs averaged 57.7 degrees while lows averaged 39.5 degrees. The warmest temperature in march was 74 on both March 9th and Monday of this week, March 29th. The coldest temperature in March was 22 on both the first and second.

Precipitation during March in Trenton totaled 3.17 inches, all in the form of rain. The moisture was .59 of an inch above normal for March. Trenton ended March with a moisture surplus of .94 of an inch for the year.

The lack of snow in March means there’s either been a trace or no snow at all in Trenton during March in 22 of the past 52 years dating back to 1970; however, the monthly average during that time is 2-3/4 inches of snow. On the high side, there were 14 inches of snow in 1980; more than a foot in both 1978 and 1984; more than ten inches in 1989; and over eight inches of snow in 1998.

The National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center, entering March, had favored above normal temperatures for the month in our area, which turned out to be accurate. The center, entering March, also had said there were equal chances for above, below, or near-normal precipitation for the month.

More of the same is projected for April with above normal temperatures favored; however, equal chances are given for above, below, or near-normal precipitation.

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