Temperatures above normal, rainfall below normal during September 2018

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The September weather summary in Trenton shows above normal temperatures and below normal rainfall.

Highs averaged slightly over 80 degrees and lows averaged 60.6 degrees which is about four and one-half degrees above normal for lows and one and one-half degrees above typical for highs. This is the fourth year in a row in which temperatures in Trenton have been above normal in September.

The hottest temperature last month in Trenton was 96 degrees on September 19th recorded at the fire station at 17th and Harris where readings are taken for the National Weather Service. It was two degrees cooler that day at the KTTN studios in downtown Trenton where a reading 94 degrees was recorded. The coolest temperature in September was 41 degrees.

Rainfall in Trenton was just 1.22 inches in September which is 3.21inches below average. Rainfall in September was just 28% of normal leaving a deficit for the year of 14.76 inches through the end of September. The current deficit is 14.96 inches.

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