Teenage girl from Maryville drowns in river near Barnard

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The highway patrol reports a teenage girl from Maryville died when she drowned Thursday afternoon in the 102 River of northwest Missouri.

The victim was identified as 16-year-old Lindsey Allee of Maryville, her body was taken to Bram Funeral Home in Maryville.

The drowning occurred one-quarter mile west of Barnard, in Nodaway County. Investigators report the girl entered an area of deep water, was unable to swim and drowned.

The body was recovered by the Clarinda, Iowa dive team two hours after the girl entered the deep water. She was pronounced dead at the scene at 4:50 pm by Nodaway County Coroner Vince Shelby.

Assisting the Highway Patrol was the Missouri Department of Conservation, Nodaway County Sheriff’s Department, Clarinda, Iowa Dive Team, Corning, Iowa Rescue, and the Red Oak Iowa Water Rescue.

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