Spickard Board of Education Offers Contracts for Next School Year

Spickard School
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The Spickard R-2 Board of Education approved a bid for audit services Monday evening Clevenger and Associates for $5,000 for an audit of the current school year.

New financial software will be purchased from Software Unlimited with a start date of May 1st, 2020 and Superintendent Burnie Schneiderheinze reported revenues are down from last year.

In a closed session, the board offered a contract to Catherine Lowery to teach music one day each week.

Several uncertified staff members were re-employed for next school year. Those included Jennifer Roberts for Parents as Teachers; secretary/bookkeeper Kelli Girdner; custodian Brandy May; Jackie White in the library, art, and speech para; bus driver Janice Vandevender, and head cook Amy Chapman.

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