The Spickard Board of Aldermen took action on several matters at a meeting this week.
One action was paying Robert Payne for three and a half hours at $10 per hour for time previously worked checking pumps and making repairs. Payne was approved to perform future sewer repairs as needed at a rate of $10 per hour and was asked to accompany Terri Holtzclaw during June meter readings.
The board approved placing an advertisement in the Trenton Republican-Times seeking a maintenance worker. Roles for electronic Daily Monitoring Reports with the Department of Natural Resources were approved. Lagoon Operator Dave Akins will be the preparer, Mayor Alan Tharp and Board President Wilbur Roberts certifiers, and Temporary City Clerk Jennifer Roberts.
Missouri Rural Water Association Wastewater Technician Gary Webber will help Spickard provide information to DNR regarding efforts taken to meet the Schedule of Compliance. The Schedule of Compliance requires each lift station to have two working pumps by July 31st. Webber will help draft a request for DNR to grant an extension. He can also assist in performing smoke testing to identify inflow and infiltration of the sewer system in July or August. The city will have to pay about $200 for supplies and have persons to assist.
United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development Area Specialist Shawna Barnes reported the Rural Development previously obligated funds for Spickard for a new lagoon system. She said the city is not required to use the funds, but if steps are not being taken to use them, the USDA can withdraw having them set aside.
The current plan allows for the city to receive a loan of about $490,000 with an interest rate of one point three seven five percent, which could be used with additional grant money to build a sub-surface wastewater treatment facility. Spickard previously received a grant to fund a Preliminary Engineering Report, which contains three options for the city to consider for wastewater treatment, including one for the sub-surface wastewater treatment facility expected to cost about one point four million dollars. Barnes said the next step to proceed with the Rural Development funding is to put a bond issue on the April 2020 ballot.
Missouri Rural Water Association Management Circuit Rider Liz Grove conducted a rate study and provided information to the board to consider rate increases and budget amendments.
All aldermen voted for all claims to be paid, except the claim by the Spickard Special Road District, so the contract may be examined.
A special board meeting will be held at the Spickard City Hall the night of July 17th at 7 o’clock to address matters regarding water and billing.
The board approved a bid of $200 from Guy Roberts to hay the city’s ground in 2019. Three bids were received.
Discussion regarding a city attorney was tabled until the next meeting.