Spickard Board of Aldermen rescind ordinances regarding sewer and water rates

Spickard, Missouri
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The Spickard Board of Aldermen rescinded ordinances regarding sewer and water rates at a special meeting Wednesday evening.

The sewer and water rates are to go back to what they were prior to the raise approved last month. The board hired Jennifer Roberts as a temporary city clerk with pay at $10 per hour. She is to report back to the board at the next meeting as to what hours would work best for her for office hours.

Wilbur “J. R.” Roberts was appointed to the board, sworn in by the city clerk, and voted in as board President. The board approved changing the check signing authority to Mayor Alan Tharp and Jennifer Roberts as well as to pay the $35 fee to transfer names on the surety bond to Tharp and Jennifer Roberts.

Tharp reported there was a mathematical error on utility bills. Some customers got a credit when they should not have and others who should have gotten a credit did not. A representative from the Missouri Rural Water Association will be in Spickard Friday to help assist with the bills. J. R. Roberts said the problem with the bills did not happen overnight, and it cannot be fixed overnight.

Tharp said Jennifer Roberts needs to contact Rapid Removal to find out how many trash customers the company serves in Spickard. Further action on utility bills was tabled.

The board voted to advertise in the newspaper for sealed bids for hay at the lagoon. Action regarding sewer pump stations was tabled as well as 2020 budget amendments.

he Spickard Board of Aldermen will hold another special meeting at the Wise Community Building next Wednesday, May 29th night at 7 o’clock.

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