Some of the area counties have unemployment rates that are less than the statewide average of three point one percent. Figures are provided by the division of employment security for December – the most recent month available.
Grundy County’s unemployment rate is above the state average at three point four percent in December. That’s based on 147 unemployed out of a civilian labor force of almost 4,400. December’s rate is an increase when compared to the two-point-seven percent unemployment in November 2018 and the three point one percent in December of 2017.
Linn County has the highest unemployment rate among area counties at four and a half percent. Putnam County is at three point nine percent with Sullivan County tieing Grundy county at three point four percent. Among others, Harrison County is three point two percent, Mercer and Daviess County are three point one percent.
Others include Chariton, Caldwell, and DeKalb at two point nine; Carroll and Worth counties at two point eight; Clinton is at two point seven; Livingston is two and a half percent, and Gentry County is the lowest in northwest Missouri at one point nine percent unemployment.