Several counties in north Missouri under flood warnings

Flood Warning Graphic
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With the recent rains in north Missouri, area rivers and streams are rising.  Several counties are currently under flood warnings.  They include Linn, Livingston, Caldwell and Daviess Counties in the KTTN listening area.

Here are the latest river stages, and predictions for area rivers.

The Flood Warning continues for the Grand River near Sumner from Sunday morning until further notice.
* At 5:45 AM Friday the stage was 12.4 feet.
* Flood stage is 26.0 feet.
* Minor flooding is forecast.
* Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Sunday morning and continue to
  rise to near 27.9 feet by early Monday morning.
* At 28.0 feet...Rural roads are under water.
* At 26.0 feet...Rural land adjacent to the river is flooded.
636 AM CDT FRI MAY 27 2016
The Flood Warning continues for the Grand River near Chillicothe from Sunday morning to Monday evening.
* At  5:45 AM Friday the stage was 8.1 feet.
* Flood stage is 24.0 feet.
* Minor flooding is forecast.
* Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Sunday morning and continue to rise to near 24.5 feet by early Sunday afternoon. 
The river will fall below flood stage by Sunday before midnight.
* At 24.0 feet...Low-lying cropland floods.

636 AM CDT FRI MAY 27 2016
The Flood Warning continues for the Grand River near Gallatin from Saturday afternoon to late Sunday night.
* At  5:45 AM Friday the stage was 7.6 feet.
* Flood stage is 26.0 feet.
* Minor flooding is forecast.
* Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Saturday afternoon and continue to rise to near 26.4 feet by early Sunday morning. 
The river will fall below flood stage by Sunday morning. At 26.0 feet...Low-lying woodlands and farmland along the river flood.
636 AM CDT FRI MAY 27 2016
The Flood Warning continues for the Grand River near Pattonsburg from this afternoon to Sunday afternoon.
* At 5:30 AM Friday the stage was 7.9 feet.
* Flood stage is 25.0 feet.
* Minor flooding is forecast.
* Forecast...Rise above flood stage by late this afternoon and continue to rise to near 29.6 feet by early Saturday morning. 
The river will fall below flood stage by Saturday afternoon. At 25.0 feet...Low-lying farmland begins to flood.


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Randall Mann

Randall has been with KTTN/KGOZ for almost 20 years. He is the current Engineer for all of the stations, as well as working "on-air" from 6 to 10, am in the morning. Randall does a bit of everything including producing advertisements as well as writing the occasional news article. Randall is also the current Webmaster for the studio as well as the local graphic artist.

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