Senator Josh Hawley: Ukraine’s prospective NATO membership hurts U.S. interests, we must focus on China

Josh Hawley Courtesy of Missourinet
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U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) wrote to Secretary of State Antony Blinken to seek clarity on the Biden administration’s support for Ukraine’s prospective NATO membership and to express concern that it would threaten U.S. interests by drawing attention away from the China threat.

“Today, an increasingly powerful China seeks hegemony in the Indo-Pacific. If China succeeds, it could harness that region’s resources to further propel its rise, while restricting U.S. access to many of the world’s most important markets. Americans’ security and prosperity rest upon our ability to keep that from happening,” wrote Senator Hawley.

“The United States has an interest in maintaining Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. And we should urgently deliver to Ukraine assistance it needs to defend itself against Russia’s military buildup and other threats. Our interest is not so strong, however, as to justify committing the United States to go to war with Russia over Ukraine’s fate. Rather, we must aid Ukraine in a manner that aligns with the American interests at stake and preserves our ability to deny Chinese hegemony in the Indo-Pacific,” he continued. 

He concluded, “Some argue that now is not the right time to ask hard questions about Ukraine’s prospective membership in NATO. But I submit that now is exactly the right time for confronting hard truths. Russia’s buildup on Ukraine’s borders makes apparent just how important it is for the United States to be deliberate about its commitments abroad.”

Read the full letter by clicking here.


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