Rissler School announces “Students of the Month” for May

Rissler Elementary School
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Rissler School has announced the “Students of the Month” for the month of May with the trait Loyalty:

Students selected for this trait include:

Jayden Miller, Kaiden McDowell, Jaycee Ferguson, Sydney Baucom, Lucas Baucom, Ozaria Powers,m Taylyn Shoemaker, Greenly Orndorff, Alessia Howery, Makenly Hilt, Mayson Berry, Tristan Krsek, Maggie Hall, Colt Wagner, Ella Hawkins, Ally Miller, Conner Walton, Khya Whipple, Kenlie McCall, Ross Maloney, Brycen Bouzek and Mia Recendiz-Jimenez.

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