Recycling event in Trenton “extremely successful”

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A planner with the North Missouri Solid Waste Management district, Ann Hamilton, reports Saturday’s recycling collection at Trenton was what she called extremely successful.

Over one hundred sixteen Grundy County residents were assisted in the event sponsored by the City of Trenton and Grundy County in conjunction with the North Missouri Solid Waste Management district.

Mrs. Hamilton said items collected included thirty five computer systems, three copiers, six microwaves, twenty six television sets, and miscellaneous items including phones and printers; one hundred twenty six passenger tires and six tractor tires with an approximate weight of nearly thirty eight hundred pounds; thirteen appliances; four hundred pounds of scrap metal, household waste including sixty five gallons of oil based paint, two hundred twenty gallons of Latex paint, eighty gallons of varnish and stain, thirty five gallons of used motor oil, approximately three hundred eighty pounds of aerosols, pesticides, herbicides, household cleaners, and miscellaneous items including roofing tar and spackle.

Solid waste management district planner, Ann Hamilton reports that collecting those items, and diverting them from a landfill, is beneficial to the environment and residents of Grundy County.

Several volunteers provided labor during the recycling event, including Grundy County Commissioners Rick Hull, Joe Brinser, and Gene Wyant; County Clerk Betty Spickard; county employee and Grundy County Emergency Management Agency Director Glen Briggs, Trenton City Clerk Cindy Simpson; Green Hills Regional Planning Commission Director Randy Railsback, plus Matt Walker of the planning commission, Mrs. Hamilton of the planning commission and solid waste management district, Jeannie Griffin, Mackenzie Klingsmith, and Chase Marsh.

The collection site was the North Missouri Solid Waste Management district building at Trenton, which once was a Maggies Mess store.

Rapid Removal Disposal also accepted large appliances and batteries at its Trenton transfer station Saturday morning.

The brush dump at the Trenton Street Department also was open Saturday morning.

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Randall Mann

Randall has been with KTTN/KGOZ for almost 20 years. He is the current Engineer for all of the stations, as well as working "on-air" from 6 to 10, am in the morning. Randall does a bit of everything including producing advertisements as well as writing the occasional news article. Randall is also the current Webmaster for the studio as well as the local graphic artist.

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