Rabbit judging winners announced at Northwest Missouri State Fair

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In rabbit judging at the Northwest Missouri State Fair in Bethany, several exhibitors achieved top honors for their outstanding entries. Ruby Boyer of St. Joseph exhibited the Grand Champion of the Show and was named the Best Four Class Rabbit winner.

Ashley Chalfant of Gilman City had a remarkable showing, exhibiting the Grand Champion Market Rabbit, the Grand Champion Meat Pen, and the Best Six Class Rabbit. Ashley Chalfant also won the Reserve Champion of the Show title.

Malory Chalfant, also from Gilman City, showed the Reserve Champion Market Rabbit and the Reserve Six Class Rabbit. Caitlynn Chalfant of Gilman City exhibited the Reserve Four Class Rabbit, while Paisley Mallen of Cameron earned the Reserve Champion Meat Pen award.

In the showmanship categories, winners at the Northwest Missouri State Fair included:

  • Senior Division: Kathryn Farmer of Cowgill
  • Intermediate: Malory Chalfant of Gilman City
  • Junior Classification: Paisley Mallen of Cameron
  • Advanced Intermediate: Siera Hanway from St. Joseph
  • Advanced Junior Showmanship: Tyne Martin of Amity

The rabbit show saw participation from 12 exhibitors, showcasing 115 rabbits across a dozen breeds.

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