Princeton R-5 Board of Education reviews employee health insurance options

Princeton Missouri School District Website
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The Princeton R-5 Board of Education reviewed health insurance options for next school year at its meeting Monday evening. Princeton R-5’s health insurance broker Thomas McGee presented options to consider. A board meeting is scheduled for May 20th to finalize the plan.

The board approved Junior High and High School Principal Brent Mitchell’s recommendation to add the Missouri Hunter Education Course as part of the junior high eighth-grade block class. The official training program is developed to meet the hunting safety education standards established by the state.

The annual district wellness program was approved. The board approved resignations from John Goodin as activities director and transportation director, Shanin Parks from junior high math, and Cathie Lowrey from elementary art. An extra duty assignment was approved for Scott Ussery as athletic and activities director. The duties of transportation director were assigned to transportation mechanic Lonny Lovett.

Employment was approved for Dennie Berti as an elementary third-grade teacher. Ashley Powell was approved as an elementary paraprofessional.

The last day of school for Princeton R-5 will be May 29th. School will dismiss at 12:45 that day.

Summer central office and maintenance hours will be Monday through Thursday for June and July. Cooperating summer school for Princeton will be at the Trenton R-9 campus.

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