The Princeton R-5 Board of Education approved various actions during a special budget meeting Thursday evening.
One of those was the approval of the 2019-2020 preliminary budget, which projects revenues of $5,199,252 and expenditures of $5,323,322 leaving a projected deficit of $124,070. The Princeton R-5 School District passed a six point two million dollar bond issue in the fiscal year 2017, and the bond money has been deposited for the fiscal year 2018. The construction project will continue and be completed in the fiscal year 2020. The board also approved zeroing out activity balances and amending the 2018-2019 budget to actual.
Revenues for 2018-2019 were $5,181,928.64, which was $6,548.64 more than budgeted. Expenditures came in at $7,733,081.18, which was $104,728.82 less than expected.
The board approved salary increases for the next school year. The new base salary for the certified staff salary schedule will be $31,000, which reflects a $1,000 or three point three percent increase from the previous schedule. The non-certified salary schedule will also receive a three point three percent increase to the base hourly wage.
Superintendent Jerry Girdner says there are 10 different non-certified positions with different bases for hourly wages. School administrator raises were approved for the elementary and high school principals as well as the superintendent. Their salaries were increased by two point one, two point five, and two point three percent respectively.
Girdner notes the salary for the elementary principal will be $78,012.11, for high school principal the salary will be $72,068.74, and for the Superintendent $103,532.42.
Substitute teacher pay was increased to $85 per day and $95 per day for long-term substitutes. Substitute custodian, cook, and paraprofessional pay was increased to $85.
School bus driver pay was increased by three point three percent to $62 per day and $11 per hour for activity trips and the board approved a 10 cent increase for meals.