The Pleasant View R-6 Board of Education has increased the base pay for certified teachers to 28-thousand dollars, which is an increase of five hundred dollars over this year.
The board approved a twelve hundred fifty dollar pay increase for administrator Rebecca Steinhoff, making her compensation 51-thousand 250 dollars, which is a two and one half percent increase.
Non-certified hourly employees will be receiving a 25 cent an hour increase in their compensation.
The board voted to employ Shelby Lowrey of Trenton as a paraprofessional in the Keys preschool, and to re-hire all non-certified employees for next school year.
The board approved a bid from certified public accountant Bob Conrad of Chillicothe to do the district’s audit the next three years. The charge is 39-hundred 50 dollars for the first year. The charge increases by 100 dollars in each of the second and third years.
End of the school year award programs include Janet Lake’s preschool, May 2nd at 6:30, keys preschool May 5th at 10 o’clock, and kindergarten through 8th grade awards, May 9th at 10 o’clock.
Graduation for 8th graders is May 9th at 6:30. All of those programs are in the Pleasant View school gymnasium.
Fifth through 8th graders are to have a field trip to Crowder State Park, May 10th which is also the last day of classes.
Oaths of office were given to incumbent board members Danny Westcott and David Meservey. Board officers are to remain the same with Danny Wescott as President, Tim Allen Vice President, Jeff Berti Treasurer, and Jill Reeter, Secretary.