The Pleasant View R-6 Board of Education approved the 2019-2020 budget at a meeting Tuesday evening.
Revenues are anticipated at $1,625,948, and expenditures are projected at $1,628,252, leaving an expected deficit of $2,304. The board approved amending the 2018-2019 budget to match actual revenues and expenditures.
A five-year certificate of deposit was approved at Putnam County State Bank at a rate of three percent. Fifty thousand dollars was approved to be added to the CD, making the total $300,000.
Milk and diesel bids were approved for next school year with Superintendent Rebecca Steinhoff reporting the milk bid was from Prairie Farms for various prices per pint for white, chocolate, and strawberry one percent milk. The bid for diesel came from the People’s Coop for four cents off the pump price.
A technology update was provided, which included the purchase of several laptops and desktops for the computer lab. The computers were bought as surplus from the Spickard School for approximately $1,150.
QNS has completed rewiring of the building and a new one-year telecommunications contract was signed, which will lower Pleasant View’s phone bill. The board passed Missouri School Boards Association amendments and the school’s tax rate hearing was set for August 13th prior to the board meeting.
Bob Conrad is scheduled to complete the school audit on July 31st.