This month’s Old Timers Reunion in Milan offers two events this coming Saturday, May 18th. The jackpot sheep and goat show will be held at the expo show barn located on top of the hill at the new fairgrounds. Entry fee is $20.00 a head per ring. Registration is for the two hours beginning at 8:30. The show starts at 11. Contacts for information are Jake Campbell or Richard Clark. Persons attending may bring their lawn chairs to the sheep and goat show.
Saturday night, a demolition derby is scheduled at 7 o’clock at the Sullivan County Fairgrounds. The evening also includes a kids power wheels derby. Contestants are to enter from Rice Road. Spectators enter at top of the hill by the show barn. The Demolition derby contact at Milan is Junior Eddy.
Many activities are planned from May 23rd through 26th during the Old Timers Reunion at Milan. It’s being held for the 34th year. Some of the activities take place on, or around, the Milan square; others are at the Sullivan County Expo Center and Fairgrounds. Three of the nights include Toby’s Carnival. Several businesses have armbands for sale at $15 if bought in advance; or $20 at the carnival ticket booth.
Among events at Milan is the rib eye steak dinner at the Elks Lodge, a tractor pull, and music by the Red Brush Band on Friday, May 24th. The next day (May 25) includes a fireman’s breakfast; a motorcycle poker run, big kid toy show, an event called hero’s versus villains, the running of the tennis balls, a taste of Italy, kids’ muttin’ bustin and a rodeo, plus a concert by 2nd House Band- all May 25th. Grand marshals this year are the Milan Wildcat 1959 football team.
Sunday, May 26th events at Milan include a community church service under a tent. The brunch at the Elks Lodge has proceeds going to the fireworks display in July. The weekend will conclude with the second night of the kids muttin’ bustin’ and the rodeo.