North Mercer Board of Education reports 8 of 9 days missed due to weather to be made up

North Mercer Board of Education accepts four resignations, adds baseball for 2017
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Makeup day procedures were discussed during the North Mercer R-3 Board of Education meeting on Wednesday evening.

Superintendent Dan Owens reports eight of the nine days North Mercer missed for inclement weather will be made up. Makeup days include February 18th and March 28th as well as other days at the end of the school year. Owens says the last day of school for North Mercer is now scheduled for May 17th.

Owens talked about 2019-2020 budget preparation with the board and things to be considered in the upcoming year. He said this year’s budget is on track. Major summer renovation will include sanding and repainting the gym floor. A two-year contract was extended to prekindergarten through 12th-grade principal Wes Guilkey with the salary to be determined.

A tuition waiver was denied and the senior trip was discussed. The board will continue with the procedure of staying in-state or going to Florida.

The Real Calamity Jane performance was discussed and is set for March 29th and 30th.

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