North Mercer Board of Education approves fund transfer

Mercer School District Website
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The North Mercer R-3 Board of Education approved a fund transfer at its meeting Monday evening to make payments on leased buses and for summer maintenance projects.

A total of $150,000 was transferred from Fund 1 to Fund 4 with improvements to be made to the gym floor and bleachers, and the parking lot is to be sealed this summer.

The board discussed a preliminary budget. A budget is expected to be approved during the regular June board meeting.

Contracts were offered to Heather Michaelis for fourth through sixth Social Studies and Science and Kerri Jincks as the transportation director for next year.

Nineteen Millemon Math Award winners were announced who will be paid a total of $31.84, and the board approved two student appeals and denied one student for A Plus Program eligibility.

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